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Strategic Communications

Strategy and Organization

Interviewing H.E. Ban Ki-moon with Nour Barakeh and Suad Mohamed in 2019 (credit: EFA – Matteo Vegetti)


Executing transformational change means addressing cultural challenges. And that requires implementing coordination strategies based on differing motivation factors and acceptance rates. With a comprehensive skill set and an array of multimedia approaches, I support sustainable solutions.

Having explored almost 60 countries, I also consult ministries and other governmental entities, media groups, corporations, and multinationals
on a variety of organizational, eLearning, and cross-cultural issues.

I have created digital HUBs supporting the Sustainable Development Goals and am co-developing a project aimed at building capacity for climate change resilience in last-mile African settings.


I bring decades of international experience with organizational development ranging from change management and industry consolidation to conflict resolution and strategic communication to leadership development, gender mainstreaming, team empowerment and mental health. Supporting HR with strategies to attract, develop and retain human capital is a specialty.

Social value projects are also in scope. In 2023, this included an interactive World Youth Skills Day Event at the United Nations in Vienna, the related launch of the Bridging Climate Divides initiative, and multiple television broadcasts in New York on the topic of human trafficking. Projects in 2024  focus on human rights and are already being implemented.

Ongoing activities include consultations (often pro bono) on burnout prevention and mitigation, impact L&D discussions at major conferences including COP27, and an innovative project for scaling psychosocial support in Syria and Yemen.

Conducting a workshop for EU Parliament data specialists in 2019 (credit: Parlimentsdirektion-Jantzen)


I have extensive background in designing innovative workshops and training
programs in an array of capacity-building projects and areas. This has ranged
from pro bono peace-building activities to corporate onboarding initiatives.

Whether it’s optimizing positioning, crystallizing narratives, managing stake-
holders or choosing distribution channels… I support a variety of entities with
the whole value chain.

For individuals and organizations looking to improve their branding or impact,
I provide media training and public-speaking coaching.

On a global basis, I have conducted Learning and Development (L&D) and
cross-cultural consulting and training for decades.


As a virtual-learning expert, I am passionate about the power of stories to advance mission/message and build capacity; harnessing that potential through multi-device virtual-learning material with meaningful metrics for public policy is a compelling frontier…

One example of related activities is the  Civic Action Toolkit  I created. Another example is the  ifound: I4   initiative dedicated to SDG 4 and focused on these principles – ‘Inform, Integrate, Implement, Impact’.

I developed an interactive showcase  to support people with lived experience in human trafficking to tell their stories. I have also launched a digital HUB focused on climate change prevention and mitigation.

Writing and Editing


Supporting corporate groups and other entities in crafting internal and external
communications is a specialty. This includes writing white papers on topics
ranging from human-resource retention during M&A processes to optimizing
integration in international educational programs. As a professional travel
writer, I prepared executive guides to major global cities.

Ghostwriting pieces (for publications including Forbes, the Harvard Business
, and the New York Times) is another activity

I also enjoy supporting authors in navigating the maze of crafting book
proposals and finding a publisher. In this regard, I am working on a project
to raise awareness about people with lived experience in human trafficking.